Sunday, April 16, 2006

And now for something completely different!

I was watching TV late last night when my eyes beheld
a terrible sight.
A man dressed in black from the north came a running,
shouting out loud that “Godzilla is coming!”

I lowerd my jaw as I looked on in awe,
at the man dressed in black as he shouted with tact,
of the reptile-like monster now near to attack,

“Godzilla is coming, run for your lives,
flee with your sons and your daughters and wives!”

Then at that moment flying in from the west,
was Pocket Bill Beaver to foil our guest.

“You’ve come to save our people and to end this fateful drama”,
were the words of H. Fred Tomahowanisyama

“Do not fear O Man in Black” said Pocket Bill Beaver.
“With one gallap from my mellunstrum bow,
that reptile-like monster will half to know,
who is in charge of this cinema show.”

All of a sudden a terrible roar that could be heard
from shore to shore,
startled our heroes and if you please,
also knocked fruit from the fruit bearing trees.

“Godzilla is coming, run for your lives,
flee with your sons and your daughters and wives!”

As the man dressed in black continued his shriek,
The top of the screen read “Continued Next Week”.

©1981 Poc Productions